Introducing Our Guest Blogger: Caitlin Kelly

Caitlin Kelly, October 2020
To celebrate the launch of our blog, the lovely Caitlin Kelly has agreed to write a series of guest posts, each focused on a different field of collecting. This will be a treat for anyone interested in the history of various antiques! Keep an eye on the “Blog” section of our website, or sign up for our newsletter here to receive an update when each post goes live.
Former reporter for The Globe and Mail, Montreal Gazette and New York Daily News and author of “Malled: My Unintentional Career in Retail” (Portfolio, 2011), Caitlin Kelly has been telling stories for a living since her days at University of Toronto. She’s written for Glamour, Smithsonian, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and USA Today, among others. She won a Canadian National Magazine Award for humor and is author of “Blown Away: American Women and Guns” (Pocket Books, 2004).
Passionate about all aspects of antiques and design, she studied at the New York School of Interior Design, and has written on both for House Beautiful, Marriott magazine, ZZDriggs and others.
She coaches other writers and also blogs at